新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《火影忍者》手游来啦,猜剪影获珍贵内测资格


"Naruto" tour Laila, guess silhouette won the precious beta status

2015-07-27 17:05:58来源: 4399

火影迷们还在等待一款属于原汁原味火影的正版手游吗?15年轮回,回到最初相识的地方,重走火影之路,重燃火之意志。《火影忍者》手游终于来了! 现在,火影迷们只要在参与猜火影忍者角色剪影,答对三个以上即可参与幸运抽奖!获得珍贵《火影忍者》内测资格,抢先一步体验超好玩的《火影忍者》手游!

Naruto fans are still waiting for a part of the original Naruto genuine hand travel?? 15 years of reincarnation, back to the initial acquaintance's place, go Naruto rekindling the fire will. "Naruto" tour has finally come! Now, Naruto fans as long as in guess silhouette of Naruto characters, answer more than three can participate in lucky draw! Get the precious "Naruto" beta status, preemptive step to experience super fun "Naruto" tour!

标签: 手游