新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《球球大作战》iOS限免DAU超25万 成今年休闲手游..

《球球大作战》iOS限免DAU超25万 成今年休闲手游..

The ball big fight "IOS limit free dau over 25 million into this year and leisure travel..

2015-07-27 17:05:58来源: 不凡游戏网


7 month on the 27th is uncommon, swept the world super popular mobile game the ball big fight" launched a new version, and homeopathy in IOS platform fiery free for a limited time and successfully launched a "national ball" boom. Today, the ball of the combat "R & D studio superpop to the outside world revealed that currently has more than 25 million dau of the game, the next day to retain up to 76.6%, and weekly retention and month retention also reached a new high: 35.5% and 2...

标签: 手游 iOS