新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛克人精神续作《威力9号》宣布中文版 PS独占

洛克人精神续作《威力9号》宣布中文版 PS独占

Locke spiritual sequel to the power of 9 "announced the Chinese version of PS exclusive

2015-07-25 01:04:29来源: 新浪

著名游戏制作人稻船敬二监督的游戏《Mighty No.9》(威力9号)在今天的香港动漫游戏节上确定将推出繁体中文版,登陆PS4,PS3和PSV平台。目前游戏的具体发售日期还未正式公开。 横向滚动条动作游戏《Mighty No.9》集8位及16位时代大家熟悉及喜爱的精彩元素于一身,再以...

famous game producer Inafu Keiji supervision game" mighty No.9 "(the power of 9) in today's Hong Kong Animation Game Festival determined will launch a traditional Chinese version, landing PS4, PS3 and PSV platform. The specific date of the game is not officially open. Horizontal scrolling action game "No.9 Mighty" set 8 bit and 16 bit of the time we are familiar with and love the wonderful elements in one, and then to...

标签: PS