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《天衍录》玩法曝光 CJ现场提供试玩

The day Yan recorded "played the exposure CJ to provide on-site demo

2015-07-24 18:01:34来源: 新浪

今年5月,欢聚时代在新品发布会高调公布代理3D MMORPG游戏《天衍录》,该游戏由灵石游戏研发。据了解,今年CJ官方将会正式为游戏揭开神秘面纱,并提供游戏试玩。 下面小编为大家率先揭秘游戏玩法内容: ※实时双武器:玩家可同时装配两种武器,战斗距离可长可短,战斗节奏可快可慢,可攻可...

in May this year, celebrations of the times in the new conference, a high-profile announced agent 3D MMORPG game the day Yan Lu", the game by Lingshi game research and development. It is understood, CJ will be officially unveiled the official game this year, and the game demo. The following Xiaobian for you first to secret gameplay content:] real time dual weapons: players can assemble two weapons simultaneously, fighting distance can be long or short, the battle rhythm can be fast or slow, can attack.