新关注 > 信息聚合 > 出乎意料!《玩具熊的五夜后宫4》提前至今日发行


Exceeding one's expectations "Teddy bear five night harem 4" advance to today issued

2015-07-24 16:25:28来源: 逗游网

Scott Cawthon开发的《玩具熊的五夜后宫4(Five Nights at Freddy’s 4)》原计划于10月31日在Steam平台上发行,打算将其作为该系列游戏的最终章。但不知经历怎样怪异的波折,Scott Cawthon决定不再提前至8月8日发行,他在Steam社区宣布游...

Scott Cawthon developed the teddy bear five night harem 4 (five nights at Freddy 's 4) "originally planned on October 31, on the steam platform issued, intended to be the final chapter as a game in the series. But I do not know how to experience strange twists and turns, Cawthon Scott decided not to issue in advance to August 8th, he announced in the Steam community...