新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《辐射:避难所》手游上架两周B社获利510万


The radiation: shelters, tour shelves two weeks B society 510 million

2015-07-19 11:29:11来源: 和讯网

第1页《辐射:避难所》手游上架两周B社获利510万 在今年的E3大展上,B社(Bethesda)首次为大家带来了《辐射4》,吸引了不少主机与PC玩家。与此同时,其制作的手游新作《辐射:避难所(Fallout Shelter)》上架移动平台。《辐射:避难所》手游也是在《辐射》的世界背景...

in the page Fallout: shelters, hand travel shelves two weeks B society profit 510 million in this year's E3, B (Bethesda, MD) agency first for everyone brought the radiation 4 "profit, attracted a lot of mainframe and PC internationally. At the same time, the production of hand travel new "radiation: Shelter (Fallout)" shelves mobile platform. "Radiation: sanctuary" hand travel is also in the "radiation" of the world background...

标签: 手游