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国战新生命 《大国》今日开启不删档测试

New national war of life "big" opens today does not delete files test

2015-07-16 11:23:12来源: 电玩巴士

由冰川网络原班人马精心研发,迅雷游戏独家代理的国战网游《大国》于今日14:00开启限号不删档测试。数十种阵法组合,近百套卡牌搭配,成千家公会汇集,上万人同屏国战,梦想不灭,经典永恒,举足再踏征程,扬手号令天下! 海量玩法 经典国战新生命 公会争霸,国朝争王是国战游戏永恒的主题,玩...

by glaciers network as meticulous research and development, the exclusive agent of the thunder game online games "big" to today, 14:00 open a limited number of test does not delete files. Dozens of matrix pairs, nearly a hundred sets of cards match, thousands of public will bring together, tens of thousands of people with screen fighting the country, the dream will never die, timeless classic, a pivotal step journey again, whisking orders the world! Massive play classic country war new life will contend for hegemony, Guochao dispute King national war game permanent constant theme, play...