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腾讯CJ2015强大试玩阵容公布 LOL领衔电竞赛事

Tencent CJ2015 powerful demo lineup released lol headlining eSports event

2015-07-15 15:52:42来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 7月15日消息,2015年第十三届ChinaJoy定于7月30日-8月2日在上海新国际博览中心举办,腾讯互娱携旗下游戏、文学、动漫、影视等泛娱乐作品参展本届展会,展位为N2馆,将设有互动体验区、综合体验区、舞台对战区、移动竞技区、Coser合影区以及动漫区六大展区。 全终...

Sina game hearing news on July 15, in 2015 the thirteenth session of the ChinaJoy is scheduled for July 30 to August 2, held in Shanghai New International Expo Center, mutual Tencent Entertainment to bring its games, literature, animation, film and television pan entertainment works exhibition the exhibition, booth for N2 Pavilion will be provided with the interactive experience area, comprehensive experience area, stage of theater, mobile competitive area, Coser photo district and anime six exhibition. Final...

标签: 电竞 腾讯 LOL