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腾讯枪战手游 独立防线不删档开启

Tencent gun battle line of defense not to delete files open

2015-07-09 12:37:20来源: 4399

腾讯全新FPS3D枪战手游《独立防线》不删档测试今日正式开启!用火爆的重武器模式、零秒上手的操作方式、创意多变的玩法和打破传统的世界观,即可全方位的解析《独立防线》的特色!紧张刺激的重火力战斗一触即发! 独立防线安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399.cn/game-id-4741...

Tencent FPS3D new gun battle hand travel, independent defense, not delete files test today officially opened! With the hot weapon mode, zero seconds to use the way of operation, creative and diverse ways to break the traditional view of the world, you can fully analyze the characteristics of the independent defense line! Heavy fighting firepower exciting be triggered at any moment! Independent defense Android version download address: http://a.4399.cn/game-id-4741...

标签: 手游 腾讯