新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天天酷跑七月签到Q小益属性技能


Cool running every day July sign Q small profit skill attribute Sina

2015-07-08 17:58:44来源: 新浪

天天酷跑Q小益是游戏中七月份的签到S宠,这里小编就为大家介绍Q小益属性技能,喜欢的小伙伴们可不要忘记签到了哟~ Q小益属性技能 表现分数加:25% 冲刺时间加:2.5秒 磁铁时间加:3.0秒 飞星得分加:300% 飞行得分加:30% 宠物技能:有概率将飞币变为高...

cool running every day Q, Yi is in seven games in the sign s pet, where small code is for everyone to introduce small Q legal attribute of skills, like the small partners don't forget to sign the yo ~ Q small profit attribute skill performance scores and: 25% sprint time plus: magnet time of 2.5 seconds: 3.0 seconds fly star score with: 300% flight score plus: 30% pet skills: probability will fly currency goes high.