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云游控股全球战略布局逐步完善 发展潜力巨大

Wandering holding global strategic layout to gradually improve the development potential of enormous

2015-07-09 10:27:28来源: 电玩巴士

汪东风 在北京东三环创意园区的一间办公室里,云游控股的CEO兼董事长汪东风,穿一件清爽的麻质衬衫,坐在一张摆著全套功夫茶茶具的木桌前,不急不缓地烧水、煮茶。 就好像是走台阶,我们曾经走到了一个台阶上,发现前面的路已经走不通了,所以回头,退下几步,重新再找到一条适合我们的路。汪东风谈到...

Wang Dongfeng in the East Third Ring Road, Beijing Creative Park office, wandering holdings CEO and Chairman Wang Dongfeng, wear a fresh linen shirt, sitting in a pendulum with a full set of Kung Fu tea with a wooden table, not urgent not and slowly boiling water, boiled tea. It is like walking down the stairs, we have come to a step, found that the road has gone through, so back to the next few steps, to find a way for us. Wang Dongfeng said...