新关注 > 信息聚合 > Cocos游戏开发引擎为HTML5游戏开发插入高效的翅膀


Cocos game development engine for HTML5 game development insertion, wings

2015-07-09 11:11:37来源: 新浪

随着HTML5规范的最终定稿,越来越多的开发者涌入HTLM5游戏的蓝海中。作为移动开发生态圈最初的构建者,cocos游戏引擎在HTML5游戏开发领域不断探索,以绝对的历史积累优势和研发实力,为HTML5游戏开发插入了高效的翅膀。 HTML5游戏用户呈爆发式增长,cocos游戏引擎整合...

with HTML5 specification was finalized by, more and more developers into htlm5 game of the blue ocean. As the development of mobile ecosystem initial construction, Cocos game engine in the field of HTML5 game development continue to explore, to absolute historical accumulation of advantage and strength of the R & D, for developing HTML5 games into the efficient wings. HTML5 game users are explosive growth, Cocos game engine integration...

标签: 游戏