新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美人三国公测版本前瞻:更活色生香的乱世红颜


Prospective beauty three beta version: more flesh gone red

2015-07-09 08:25:14来源: 17173

3D次世代性感战斗网游《美人三国》将于7月15日开启心动公测。身材诱人、着装香艳的拟真美人是该游戏的主打亮点,信马由缰的幻想三国题材、战火纷飞的GVG战斗也是不能错过的重头戏。那么,下面就由17173独家曝光《美人三国》公测版本看点。 《美人三国》公测版本试玩视频 【时装列传玩法加...

3D next generation sexy fighting game "beauty of the Three Kingdoms" will be on July 15, open cardiac beta. Attractive figure, the dress of eclectic quasi true beauty is the main highlights of the game and missed Xinmayoujiang fantasy Three themes, the flames of war of the GVG combat is not highlight. So, following on from the "Three Beauties" exclusive exposure 17173 beta version watch. "Three beauty" beta version of the demo video [fashion biographies plus play...