新关注 > 信息聚合 > 期待大作《仙剑奇侠传6》今日正式上市


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2015-07-08 11:34:28来源: 新浪

一生一念,一念一人。 2015年最新国产单机游戏巨制《仙剑奇侠传》系列最新作《仙剑奇侠传6》今日正式上市。据悉,作为仙剑的20周年献礼之作,《仙剑6》不仅保留了让无数玩家感到亲切和熟悉的仙剑味道,更在经典的基础上大胆创新,被认为是历代最大突破之作。此次《仙剑6》拥有可自由探索的广阔世...

a formal life today, when a person. In 2015 the latest domestic stand-alone game "blockbuster" Legend of Sword and Fairy latest series "6" Legend of Sword and Fairy today officially listed. It is reported that as the legend of the 20th anniversary, "the legend of the 6" not only retains the so many players feel a cordial and familiar legend taste, more on the basis of classical bold innovation, is considered to be ancient biggest breakthrough. The legend of "6" has a vast world to explore the free...