新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冰火围城英雄怎么升级 英雄升级攻略详解

冰火围城英雄怎么升级 英雄升级攻略详解

How to upgrade the hero hero siege addict upgrade Raiders detailed

2015-07-08 11:41:32来源: 4399

冰火围城英雄怎么升级?冰火围城英雄作为战场唯一一个可以自由操控的单位对战场的局势起着至关重要的作用,那么,如何才升级英雄使你的英雄变的更强呢?接下来就让4399阿尔法来为你们解答。 【第一步——招募英雄】 要想升级英雄,首先就得招募英雄,我们可以从英雄圣坛处招募一个英雄,当然,在还没...

addict siege hero how to upgrade? Addict siege hero as a battlefield only can freedom of manoeuvre units on the battlefield situation plays a crucial role, then, how to upgrade hero make your hero of the stronger? Then let's get 4399 Alfa to answer your questions. [the first step -- recruiting heroes to want to upgrade the hero, first of all have to hire heroes, we can recruit a hero from the altar of hero, of course, before...