新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦幻西游》手游方寸山失忆符实战解析攻略


"Dream swims on the west" the confusion of the tour mountain amnesia character combat parsing strategy

2015-07-08 13:20:16来源: TechWeb

《梦幻西游》手游日前推出了全新的门派第八技能,其中方寸山得到了一个非常具备实用价值的技能——失忆符。但遗憾的是,很多玩家,包括方寸山自己都对这一技能该怎么用表示很茫然。所以今天蚕豆网小编就为大家简单介绍一下这一技能如何才能在战斗中发挥最大的价值。 技能描述 功效:临时提高封印命中率封...

"dream swims on the west" tour started recently launched a new sects eighth skills, which Fangcun mountain has been a very with practical skills, memory match. Unfortunately, many game player, including heart mountain himself on this skill how to use said at a loss. So today, the broad bean network small series will be a brief introduction to this skill how to play the greatest value in the battle. Description function: a temporary increase the hit rate of seal seal...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游