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解密《画江山》 游戏背后那些剧情故事

Decryption "landscape painting" games behind the story

2015-07-04 12:49:19来源: 17173

遥想当年,唐僧师徒四人自东土跋涉十数载历经九九八十一难从西天取回真经, 以无上真经感化世人,使得我大唐呈现一片夜不闭户,路不拾遗的盛世景象。盛世之下,又有谁还会去记忆过往的英雄事迹呢?在Q萌回合制仙侠网游《画江山》的剧情故事里,在唐僧师徒四人取经归来之后的大唐王朝里,又将会发生一些什么样...

the bygone days of, Tang's monk mentoring four self Dongtu trek over a decade after 9981 difficult from Buddhist scriptures of recall, with supreme scriptures influence the world, making I Datang showed a piece of yebubihu, Lubushiyi flourishing scene. Under the age of prosperity, and who will go to the memory of the past? In Q Meng round of Xian Xia online games of "landscape painting" story, in the experience of four master Tang returned after Datang Wang court and will happen some kind of...

标签: 游戏