新关注 > 信息聚合 > MTG收购ESL74%的股权 意在进军电子竞技市场

MTG收购ESL74%的股权 意在进军电子竞技市场

MTG acquisition of equity ESL74% intended to enter the e-sports market

2015-07-02 12:24:06来源: 电玩巴士

不久前,ESL电竞公司正式出售74%股权给瑞典一间规模巨大的数字娱乐公司MTG,合计7800W欧元,随着电子竞技的发展,其市场不断扩大,许多公司都想往电竞领域发展,MTG这次的注资意在进军全球的电竞市场,开拓业务。 MTG官网新闻: MTG在全球拥有一些免费电视频道,通过这次的收购...

shortly before the and ESL gaming company officially SOLD 74% stake to Sweden a huge digital entertainment company MTG, the total 7800W euro. With the development of e-sports, the market continues to expand, many companies are aspiring eSports development, injection of the MTG is intended to enter the global gaming market, develop business. MTG official website news: MTG has some free TV channels in the world, through the acquisition of this...

标签: 电子竞技