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不单单是一加一 《刀锋传说》装备传承铸神装

Not only is a plus a legend of the blade equipment inheritance casting God installed

2015-07-02 12:24:06来源: 不凡游戏网

这个世界发展的越来越快,几乎时时刻刻都在更新换代,游戏中你是否也经常因为装备的更换而烦心不已,热血暴力重格斗3D手游《刀锋传说》解决你重头来过的困扰,装备传承系统助你轻松铸就神装,秒升战力无压力,千万玩家盛夏为之狂热的传说,只为最强格斗而来! 告别重头来过 更换装备最为烦恼的莫过于强...

the world development more and more quickly, almost constantly upgrading, game do you often because of the equipment replacement upset unceasingly, warm blooded violence heavy fighting 3D mobile games blade "legend" solve you start to worry, the inheritance of systems and equipment to help you easily forge God installed, seconds l capabilities without pressure, the summer of millions of players to the fanaticism of the legend, only the strongest fighting and! Say goodbye to all over again to replace the equipment most trouble not too strong...