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炎炎夏日 盘点九阴真经里那些清凉夏装

Sorching summer inventory onset those cool summer

2015-07-02 18:38:19来源: 多玩游戏

七月的来临,让侠士们感受到了炎炎的烈日,学生党们也迎来了期待许久的暑假,并再度踏上这个江湖的征程。炎热的天气对侠客闯荡江湖造成诸多不便自不必多说。那么,闯荡江湖的侠士又该如何度过一个清凉的夏日呢?且容许小编为各位侠士盘点一下《九阴真经》中的那些清凉风物志。 风神劲装 仿佛异域的神...

July Jiuyin Zhenjing. Let the paladin who feel the scorching sun, the student party also ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation, and once again set foot on the rivers and lakes of the journey. The hot weather caused a lot of inconvenience to make a living away from home since Needless to say the knight. So, how to spend a cool summer kind of make a living away from home? And allow for you to check the "Paladin cool scenery Chi jiuyinzhenjing in". If the God of exotic Jinzhuang fengshen...