新关注 > 信息聚合 > 九阳神功武僧潘达图鉴 武僧潘达属性技能

九阳神功武僧潘达图鉴 武僧潘达属性技能

Jiuyang fascinating skills around monk pan of illustrations monk pan of spells

2015-07-02 14:25:48来源: 4399

九阳神功武僧潘达图鉴,信奉太极之道,拥有傲人身材和绝世武学的功夫大师熊猫潘达,刚刚展开自己在伊瓦兰斯大陆的神奇冒险。那么跟小编一起来看看,在九阳神功手游中,武僧 潘达的表现具体如何吧。 武僧 潘达 信奉太极之道,拥有傲人身材和绝世武学的功夫大师熊猫潘达,刚刚展开自己在伊瓦兰斯大陆的神...

Jiuyang fascinating skills around monk pan of illustrations, believes in Tai Chi, with impressive size and martial arts masterpiece master of Kung Fu Panda, has just launched himself in the mainland of Yiwalansi magical adventures. So with small make up have a look, in nine mans power Mobile Games, pan as the manifestation of the monk how. Monk panda believe in Tai Chi, with impressive size and martial arts masterpiece master of Kung Fu Panda, just launched their God in the mainland of Yiwalansi...