新关注 > 信息聚合 > 预订一空 《辐射4》限量版附哔哔小子等比例腕带

预订一空 《辐射4》限量版附哔哔小子等比例腕带

Booking out the radiation 4 "limited version attached to beep boy and proportion of wristbands

2015-06-29 10:43:07来源: 新浪

《辐射4》哔哔小子版将包含游戏本体,独家附赠游戏中Pip-Boy的真实比例腕带,可以搭配智能手机与游戏进行互动,允许插入iPhone 6,iPhone 5 / 5S,iPhone 4 / 4S,三星Galaxy 5和三星Galaxy 4,以及不同定制插件可以适配的其他手机,另外该版本采用...

the radiation 4" beep boy version will contain the main game, PIP boy exclusive bonus game in a substantial proportion of wristbands can mix of smart phones to interact with the game, allowing the insertion of iPhone 6, iPhone 5 / 5S, iPhone 4 / 4S, Samsung Galaxy 5 and Samsung Galaxy 4, and different custom plug-ins can fit other phones, also the version by...