新关注 > 信息聚合 > 发烧国战《赤壁之战》6月27日开启新服


Have a fever in the war "Chibi" June 27th opening of the new service

2015-06-24 11:30:48来源: 多玩游戏

夏日畅爽玩游,福利收不停!发烧级国战网游《赤壁之战》将于6月27日14时火爆开启新服【傲视群雄】 、【独步天下】 、【所向披靡】,六大活动送千万豪礼,七大福利助你畅玩国战世界,不管是免费送VIP、送现金、送宝石、送baby、还是首创五险一金的福利系统,送福利就是这么任性!要玩,就要玩过火...

smooth cool summer tour play, don't stop welfare! Fever in war games, "the battle of Chibi" will be on June 27, 14 hot to open a new service [warlords], [unrivaled in the world], [invincible], six events send don ho ceremony, seven welfare help you smooth play of war of the worlds, whether free VIP, send cash, send precious stones, to send the baby, is the first time the welfare system of social insurance and housing fund, send welfare is so capricious! To play, to play too far...