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从盖娅网络上市 窥探手游产业的发展轨迹

From Gaia network listed snooping tour industry development path

2015-06-23 19:56:26来源: 中国新闻网

狄更斯在《双城记》里的开篇可能用在这里会十分烂俗:“这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代。”但这句话用来形容当今的手游产业再合适不过了。 2007年,随着第一部iPhone问世,手机游戏有了肥沃的生存土壤。到今天,手游走过了8个春秋,市场焦点也由原来的注重内容,发展到资本运作,彻底的把这个...

Dickens in "a tale of two cities" opening may be used here will be very bad customs: "this is the best of times, this is the worst of times." But this sentence is used to describe the current hand travel industry and then the right. In 2007, with the advent of the first iPhone, mobile games have a fertile soil. Today, hand travel through 8 spring and autumn, the focus of the market by the original focus on content, the development of the capital operation, the complete...

标签: 手游