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《诸神》龙眠之岛 野外交锋杀声震天

"Gods" of the island battle field longmian Shasheng

2015-06-24 11:30:48来源: 电玩巴士

剑魔之誓,冰火战歌。由多益网络自主研发的热血3D战斗网游《诸神》现正火爆测试中!新一轮的测试将会带给玩家前所未有的游戏体验,不仅在冒险内容上增加了海量内容,而且还进一步加强了PVP竞技的全新玩法,曾经在活跃在战场中的勇士们,你们准备好了吗? 全新野外战场,激战龙眠岛 《诸神》全新...

Jianmo oath, Binghuo warsong. Independently developed by the network TOEIC blood 3D fighting game "gods" is now popular test! A new round of test will give players an unprecedented game experience, not only in adventure content increased the massive content, but also further strengthen the competitive PvP's new play, once in the active on the battlefield warriors, are you ready?? new battle field, fighting Wyrmrest island of the gods ".