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格斗游戏精髓竟源于Bug! 谈Bug诞生的游戏机制

The essence of fighting game actually stems on bug! Talk about bug the birth of game mechanics

2015-06-24 00:42:03来源: 新浪

游戏技术的进步就类似科学,很多东西都是在无意中发现的。哪怕之前的一个错误,在加以学习和利用之后,都能诞生出一种全新的玩法。今天我们来谈谈从Bug中诞生的这些游戏机制。 几乎是所有的游戏玩家都会在游戏过程中遇到Bug,有些只是单纯的图形Bug影响玩家的体验,而有些Bug则可能导致游戏发...

game technology progress is similar to scientific and a lot of things are inadvertently found. Even before a mistake, in order to learn and use, can be born out of a new play. Today we come to talk about the birth of these games from the Bug mechanism. Almost all of the game players will encounter Bug in the game process, some of the simple graphics Bug to affect the player experience, and some Bug may lead to the game...

标签: 游戏