新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游公司瞄准新三板 盖娅网络借壳上市

手游公司瞄准新三板 盖娅网络借壳上市

Tour companies targeting the new Sanban Gaia network backdoor listed in A-share restless linkage effect benefit of

2015-06-24 04:42:59来源: 新浪

得益于A股躁动的联动效应,新三板也逐渐吸引了新兴行业的目光,另外其挂牌门槛较低,而且融资功能交易功能不断的完善,有越来越多的新兴企业开始涌向新三板,其中甚至包括手游的公司。 近日,国内手游公司盖娅网络宣布已经完成与新三板上市公司道从科技的重组。据了解,深圳盖娅和王彦直以3.2元价格收...

. Three new board also gradually attract the eyes of the emerging industry, also listed on the threshold is relatively low, and financing transaction function function continued to improve, more and more emerging enterprises began to flock to the new board, including hand tour of the company. Recently, the company announced that it has completed Mobile Games Gaia network and three new board listing Corporation from recombinant technology. It is understood, Shenzhen Gaia and Wang Yanzhi price to 3.2 yuan charge...

标签: 手游