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"Bubble winter scene" new chapter "peace silent record" officially landed Steam

2021-03-12 11:29:19来源: 游戏时光

视觉小说《泡沫冬景》的全新篇章《和平默示录》今日上线 Steam。青春群像 AVG《和平默示录》由原班人马打造,国内游戏开发商 Nekoday 开发,脚本师片冈智执笔。《泡沫冬景》游戏本体也于今日开启四折优惠,折后仅需 18 元。官方还公布了《和平默示录》配上主题曲的全新 PV,本作的主题曲由明堂音乐制作。视频地址《和平默示录》共 13 章,从新角色梁和平的视角展开。游戏设定在 1988 年泡沫经济下的日本,讲述生活在灰色地带的少年少女们不为人知的生活。与《泡沫冬景》游戏本体不同的是,《和平默示录》采取比较阴冷的色调,演绎一场群像故事。

A new chapter in the visual novel "bubble winter scene", "peace silent record" is on line Steam today. Youth group image AVG "silent record of peace" was created by the original team, developed by domestic game developer nekoday, and written by scriptwriter Pian Gangzhi. "Bubble winter view" game noumenon also opened sixty percent off discount today, only 18 yuan after the discount. The official also announced the new PV of "silent record of peace" with the theme song, which was produced by Mingtang music. The video address "the silent record of peace" consists of 13 chapters, which starts from the perspective of the new role of Liang Heping. The game is set in Japan under the bubble economy in 1988, telling about the unknown lives of teenage girls living in the gray area. Unlike the "bubble winter view" game noumenon, "peace silent" takes a rather bleak tone to interpret a group of stories.

标签: Steam