新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《高殿战记》角色介绍:剑士卢修斯


The role of Lucius the swordsman

2021-03-05 11:21:47来源: 游戏时光

《高殿战记》是一款集合了卡牌,角色扮演和跑团元素的 Roguelike 卡牌 RPG 游戏,由新加坡团队 Mixed Realms 开发,椰岛游戏负责代理,于 2020 年 3 月在 Steam 平台开启抢先体验。游戏中通过卡组搭配,角色升级和转职,将会展现出独特的流派和玩法。本次官方发布了剑士卢修斯的介绍和搭配建议。卢修斯曾经是一名优秀的士兵,现在他则以一个自由人的身份四处闯荡,为需要的人提供帮助。他是一名专业的战士,他血脉中的战斗天赋和本能也使他成为这个领域的天生领袖。技能流派剑术——剑术技能格外注重一对一条件下的战斗力。战场——战场技能侧重于常规战斗能力和群体控制。领袖——领袖技能注重为自己和盟友提供增益。搭配建议卢修斯是一名前线英雄,使用机制并不复杂,这使得他成为新手入门的游戏英雄。

Gao Dian Zhan Ji is a roguelike & amp; nbsp; RPG & amp; nbsp; card game, which integrates the elements of cards, role playing and running group. It was developed by mixed realms, a Singapore team, and acted as the agent of coconut island game. It started the preemptive experience on steam platform in March 2020. In the game, through card matching, role upgrading and job transfer, it will show a unique genre and play. The official release of the swordsman Lucius introduction and collocation suggestions. Lucius used to be an excellent soldier, but now he wanders around as a free man, providing help for those in need. He is a professional fighter, and his fighting talent and instinct make him a natural leader in this field. Skill school fencing - fencing skills pay special attention to one-to-one combat effectiveness. Battlefield - battlefield skills focus on conventional combat capability and group control. Leadership - leadership skills focus on providing gain for yourself and your allies. It is suggested that Lucius is a front-line hero, and the use mechanism is not complicated, which makes him a novice game hero.