新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《沉没之城》重新上架Steam,但开发商呼吁大家不要购买


"Sunken city" is back on sale, steam, but developers appeal not to buy it

2021-02-27 12:10:43来源: 游戏时光

克苏鲁题材的第三人称动作冒险游戏《沉没之城》于 2019 年 6 月发售,由 Frogwares 开发,Nacon 发行。去年 8 月,本作因开发商和发行商的版权纠纷从全平台下架。今天,本作以 4 折优惠的状态重新在 Steam 平台上架,但开发商 Frogwares 呼吁大家不要购买。Frogwares 称,今天推出的 Steam 版《沉没之城》并不是他们开发的版本,因此不建议大家购买,更多相关消息将在稍后公布。显然 Frogwares 与 Nacon 的纠纷还在继续。有玩家表示,今天上架 Steam 的《沉没之城》并不是完整版的游戏,不包含 DLC、云存档等内容。《沉没之城》现已登陆 PS5 平台,不支持 PS4 版本免费升级。来源:Frogwares

The third person action adventure game "sunken city" with kessulu theme will be released in June 2019, developed by frogwars and released by nacon. In August last year, the work was removed from the full platform due to copyright disputes between developers and publishers. Today, this work is back on the steam platform with a 40% discount, but the developer, Frogwares, appeals to you not to buy it. Frogwares said that the steam version of "sunken city" launched today is not the version developed by them, so it is not recommended that you buy it. More relevant information will be announced later. obviously

标签: Steam