新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为减少暴力事件,美国州议员想要禁售暴力游戏


To reduce violence, U.S. state lawmakers want to ban violent games

2021-02-24 10:58:47来源: 游戏时光

随着芝加哥劫车案和暴力事件的数量不断增加,美国伊利诺伊州的马库斯·c·埃文斯议员在上周五提交了一份申请,希望能够修改该州的法案,以期在该州内禁售暴力游戏。根据政府公示的文件显示,这位议员想要在该州内禁止向未成年人出售或租借暴力游戏,禁止在该州内销售任何暴力游戏,违者将处以 1000 美元的罚款。同时, 该文件还对“暴力游戏”的定义做出了修改:暴力游戏指允许玩家在游戏中控制一个角色,鼓励该角色长期实施人对人的暴力,玩家可以杀死或以其他暴力方式对人和动物造成严重的身体或心理伤害。埃文斯对“严重人身伤害”的定义也进行了修改,其中包含了“车辆被盗时司机或乘客仍在车内”。在接受芝加哥太阳报的采访时埃文斯表示:这项法案将禁售暴力游戏,这些游戏促进了暴力事件的发生。目前修改法案的申请还在审核中。不过在 2011 年,最高法院

With the increasing number of car hijackings and violence in Chicago, Congressman Marcus C. Evans of Illinois submitted an application on Friday, hoping to amend the state's bill to ban violent games in the state. According to government documents, the congressman wants to ban the sale or rental of violent games to minors in the state, and to ban the sale of any violent games in the state. Violators will be fined $1000. At the same time, the definition of "violent game" has been modified: violent game allows players to control a character in the game, encourages the character to carry out human to human violence for a long time, and players can kill or cause serious physical or psychological harm to people and animals in other violent ways. Evans also revised the definition of "serious personal injury" to include "the driver or passenger is still in the car when the vehicle is stolen". In an interview with the Chicago Sun, Evans said: the bill will ban violent games, which promote violence. At present, the application for amending the bill is still under examination. But in 2011, the Supreme Court

标签: 游戏