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343i透露《光环 无限》新情报:可用钩爪劫持妖姬号

343i reveals new information of Halo: Hijacking the enchantress with hook and claw

2021-02-14 12:44:11来源: 游戏时光

343 Industries 近日公开了新的《光环 无限》开发者 QA 视频。本次是由首席沙盒设计师 Quinn Delhoyo 回答网友提问,透露了不少新内容,比较重点的内容如下。 《光环 无限》对载具系统进行了全面翻新。本作不再是老《光环》那种给载具设定一定量的生命值,经过一定破坏后起火最后直接爆炸。本作中的载具有着更多动态伤害反馈。比如疣猪号的一个轮子倘若遭受一定程度的攻击,那么这辆疣猪号会变得难以操控。新载具系统对于攻击者或者载具持有者都是个有趣的变化,该系统能带来更多选择和变数。 钩爪是上次《光环 无限》演示中的一个重点新元素。有网友提问玩家是否可以依靠钩爪来劫持天上的妖姬号,De

&Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; 343 industries recently released a new developer's QA video for halo infinity. This time, Quinn delhoyo, the chief sandbox designer, answered questions from netizens and revealed a lot of new contents. The more important contents are as follows. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "halo infinite" has carried out a comprehensive renovation of the vehicle system. This work is no longer the old "halo" that set a certain amount of health to the vehicle, after a certain amount of damage, fire and finally direct explosion. The load in this work has more dynamic damage feedback. For example, if a wheel of the warthog is attacked to a certain extent, the warthog will become difficult to control. The new vehicle system is an interesting change for attackers or vehicle holders. It can bring more choices and variables. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; hook claw is a key new element in the last demonstration of infinite halo. Some netizens asked whether players can rely on hook claws to hijack the sky's siren, De