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VG player hot spot this week: the National Bank of China arrives, the end of cattle is coming

2021-02-14 10:00:00来源: 游戏时光

今天是大年初三,虽然有点晚了,但还是要祝大家新年快乐,牛年吉祥。不知道各位回家是大鱼大肉滋补一番,还是趁着这个机会恶补去年欠下的游戏债。我是两者全占,胖了一圈不说,黑眼圈也盖不住了。回到正题,SIE 中国给玩家准备的新年贺礼确实惊到我了,谁能想到它会在这时候公布国行 PS5 的发售窗口,打了我个措手不及。本来还想用今年的红包多买几款新游戏,现在看来得为新主机做准备了。SIE中国总裁:国行PS5将于21年4到6月期间上市在接受虎嗅网采访时,江口达雄表示“会尽最大努力在 2021 财年第一季度(2021 年 4 月至 6 月间)发售国行 PS5 产品,目前还有一些准备工作需要完成”。关于未来的游戏阵容,“除了中国之星项目之外,索尼互娱还会和有实力的游戏开发商合作,为 PS5 开发优质的国产游戏......国内外游戏

Today is the third day of the lunar new year. Although it's a little late, I still wish you a happy new year and good luck in the year of the ox. I don't know if you're going home to nourish yourself or to take this opportunity to make up for last year's game debt. I'm both. If I'm fat, I can't cover my black eyes. To get back to the point, the new year's gift prepared by Sie China for players really surprised me. Who could have thought that it would announce the sale window of ps5 of BOC at this time, which caught me by surprise. Originally, I wanted to use this year's red envelope to buy more new games, but now it seems to be ready for the new host. President of SIE China: ps5 of Bank of China will be launched from April to June in 2012. In an interview with Hu olfactory.com, Mr. Jiangkou said that "he will try his best to sell ps5 products of Bank of China in the first quarter of fiscal year 2021 (from April to June in 2021). At present, there are still some preparatory work to be completed.". As for the future game lineup, "in addition to the China Star project, Sony mutual entertainment will cooperate with powerful game developers to develop high-quality domestic games for ps5... Domestic and foreign games

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