新关注 > 信息聚合 > DLSS技术现成为虚幻引擎插件供开发者取用


DLSS technology has become a virtual engine plug-in for developers

2021-02-13 20:47:55来源: 游戏时光

伴随 RTX 20 系列显卡开始逐渐普及的 DLSS (深度学习超采样)技术是英伟达力推的一项技术。它的作用就是在保证画面质量的前提下,利用 RTX 显卡的专用加速单元(张量核心)大幅提升游戏帧数,与性能开销庞大的光线追踪技术是很好的互补。 以往开发者若想在游戏中使用该技术需要向英伟达申请加入其早期预览计划。这无疑给这项技术的树了一道门槛。不过如今它已经成为虚幻引擎市场中的一个插件,可供开发者轻松取用,目前支持 4.26 版本。 该插件除了 DLSS 本身的功能外,还有着完全融入虚幻编辑器 UI,以及包含蓝图库,让 DLSS 可无缝装载至应用逻辑中等特性。来源:英伟达、虚幻引擎市场

&DLSS (deep learning supersampling) technology is one of NVIDIA's technologies, which is gradually popularized with RTX 20 series graphics cards. Its function is to use the special acceleration unit (tensor core) of RTX graphics card to greatly increase the number of game frames on the premise of ensuring the picture quality, which is complementary to the ray tracing technology with huge performance overhead. &In the past, developers who wanted to use the technology in games needed to apply to NVIDIA to join its early preview program. This has undoubtedly set a threshold for the development of this technology. But now it has become a plug-in in the virtual engine market, which is easy for developers to use. It currently supports version 4.26. &In addition to the functions of DLSS itself, the plug-in is also fully integrated into the virtual editor UI and contains the blue map library, so that DLSS can be seamlessly loaded into the application logic. Source: NVIDIA, virtual engine Market