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《罪恶装备 -奋战-》角色「Giovanna」入门指南公开

"Evil equipment - fighting" -- Introduction Guide to the character "Giovanna"

2021-02-15 14:39:51来源: 游戏时光

Arc System Works 今日公开了旗下格斗游戏《罪恶装备 -奋战-》中登场的系列新角色「Giovanna」的入门指南视频,对该角色的招式进行了详细的演示。视频地址该作将在 2 月 19 日开启 PS5/PS4 平台的公开测试,并于 4 月 9 日正式发售。来源:GamesTalk.net

Arc system works today released the video of the introduction guide to the new character "Giovanna" in its fighting game "evil equipment - fighting", which demonstrates the moves of the character in detail. The video address will be available for public testing on the ps5 / PS4 platform on February 19 and will be on sale on April 9. Source: GamesTalk.net