新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小丑亮相,「扎导版」《正义联盟》最终预告公开


The clown appeared, and the final notice of "Zha Daoban" and "justice alliance" was made public

2021-02-15 09:27:24来源: 游戏时光

DC 在昨晚公开了扎克施耐德「导演剪辑版」《正义联盟》的最终预告,其中包含诸多新镜头,由 Jared Leto 扮演的小丑更是在末位作为大轴登场。预告:《正义联盟》「导演剪辑版」预计将于 3 月 18 日在 HBO MAX 开播,时长将达到四个小时。、

Last night, DC released the final preview of Zach Schneider's "director's editing version" justice alliance, which contains many new scenes, which were edited by