新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《罪恶帝国》新首领和帮派关系处理相关信息公布


New leader of evil empire and gang relationship handling information released

2021-02-15 21:38:14来源: 游戏时光

由世嘉代理亚洲版的《罪恶帝国》公布了第 6 弹游戏信息。内容包括最后 2 名新的首领,与竞争帮派的遭遇、对话、外交、宣战和与芝加哥警察的关系处理相关信息。黑帮首领艾薇拉·杜瓦丁 艾薇拉·杜瓦丁原本是墨西哥的黑帮首领,她逃来了芝加哥,目的为了构筑新的犯罪帝国。身居最高位者总是孤独的,但孤独很适合艾薇拉·杜瓦丁。目睹过许多犯罪帝国崩溃的她深知“嘴是灾祸之门”,她总是能保持谨慎与镇定,从而生存下去。 首领技能为“恶魔之息”,对目标喷吐一团致幻烟雾。目标将暂时成为玩家的盟友,并将同时承受伤害。此效果将对目标造成持续性伤害,并最终杀死目标。弗兰克·拉根 弗兰克·拉根的父母是爱尔兰移民,并向他灌输了信仰。

The Asian version of evil empire, represented by Sega, released the information of the 6th bullet game. The contents include the last two new leaders, the encounter with rival gangs, dialogue, diplomacy, declaration of war and relations with Chicago police, and handling relevant information. Elvira duvadin, the leader of the Mafia, was originally the leader of the Mafia in Mexico. She fled to Chicago in order to build a new criminal empire. The person in the highest position is always lonely, but loneliness is very suitable for avrila duvadin. Having witnessed the collapse of many criminal empires, she knows that "mouth is the door to disaster". She can always keep cautious and calm to survive. &The leader skill is "breath of demons", which spews a mass of hallucinogenic smoke on the target. The target will temporarily become an ally of the player and take damage at the same time. This effect will cause sustained damage to the target and eventually kill the target. Frank Lagan & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; his parents were Irish immigrants and instilled faith in him.