新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯获得《武装突袭》开发商Bohemia少数股权


Tencent gets minority stake in Bohemia, the developer of "armed raid"

2021-02-10 12:13:35来源: 游戏时光

《DayZ》《武装突袭》开发商 Bohemia Interactive 在官方博客中宣布,腾讯已经获得了该开发商的少数股权。本次投资后工作室将继续独立运营。交易的具体条款内容没有披露,但 Bohemia 表示将和腾讯合作,把其 PC/移动游戏《艾兰岛》带到中国。Bohemia Interactive 的 CEO Marek Španěl 表示:我们很高兴能加深与腾讯的关系,腾讯是全球最重要的互联网公司之一。我们期待在一个强大合作伙伴的支持下,进行我们目前和未来的游戏开发,这个合作伙伴已经相识多年,并且了解我们开发网络游戏的独特方式。Niko Partners 的一份报告显示,腾讯在 2020 年进行了 31 笔与游戏行业投资相关的交易,是 2019 年交易数量的三倍。其最大的交易是以 15 亿美元收购了香港的乐

Bohemia Interactive, the developer of "Dayz" and "armed raid", announced in its official blog that Tencent has acquired a minority stake in the developer. After this investment, the studio will continue to operate independently. The terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Bohemia said it would work with Tencent to bring its PC / mobile game "island of AI" to China. We are happy to deepen our relationship with Tencent, one of the most important Internet companies in the world, said Marek ψ pan ě L, CEO of Bohemia Interactive. We are looking forward to our current and future game development with the support of a strong partner who has known each other for many years and understands our unique way of developing online games. According to a report by Niko partners, Tencent made 31 investment related transactions in the game industry in 2020, three times the number of transactions in 2019. Its biggest deal was the acquisition of Hong Kong's le for $1.5 billion

标签: 腾讯