新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《罪恶帝国》新角色及下属管理玩法情报公布


The new role of "evil empire" and its subordinate management

2021-02-08 12:53:31来源: 游戏时光

由开发商 Romero Games 和 Paradox Interactive 联合开发的犯罪题材策略游戏《罪恶帝国》即将于 12 月 1 日登陆 Xbox One/Steam,2021 年 2 月 25 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台,官方公布了本作部分游内容情报,介绍了梅贝尔·莱莉和萨拉查·雷纳两位角色以及黑帮下属管理等内容。 黑帮首领本作中玩家可从瓜分芝加哥地下社会的 14 名首领中选择一位开始游戏,每一位均有属于自己的专属能力,其中不乏“阿尔·卡彭”这类真实存在过的枭雄。 梅贝尔·莱莉梅贝尔·莱莉移居自爱尔兰科克,年少时她逃避学校教育并走上了犯罪的道路,从小就没获得过什么的她,认定“易得必易失”的信条,对任何事物都冷静沉着对待。 能力“诡诈射击”可标记多

Crime Empire, a crime themed strategy game jointly developed by developers Romero games and Paradox Interactive, will be launched on Xbox one / steam on December 1, and PS4 / switch on February 25, 2021. The official released part of the game's content intelligence, including the roles of Mabel Riley and Salazar Reiner, as well as the management of Mafia subordinates. &In this work, players can choose one of the 14 leaders who divide up the underground society in Chicago to start the game. Each of them has his own exclusive ability, and there are many real heroes like "Al Capone". &Maybelle Riley Maybelle Riley immigrated from cork, Ireland. When she was young, she evaded school education and embarked on the road of crime. She had not gained anything since she was a child. She believed that "easy to get, easy to lose" was the creed and treated everything calmly. The ability of "deceptive shooting" can be marked many times