新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《六月衷曲》正式登陆WeGame,首周折扣进行中


The first week's discount is in progress

2021-02-08 17:41:04来源: 游戏时光

由 505 Games 开发,椰岛游戏发行的冒险解谜游戏《六月衷曲》今日正式登陆 WeGame 平台,首周折扣为 2.5 折,目前售价 17 元人民币。商店地址:【传送门】视频地址故事中,一场车祸夺走了琼的生命,她的丈夫卡尔意外获得了穿越时间的能力,想要不计代价救回琼。在互动解谜冒险中,玩家将揭开小镇的帷幕,获得通向真相的钥匙。卡尔和琼的故事作为玩家选择的基础,在某些时刻,玩家不得不做出生死抉择。但是随着剧情推进,玩家会发现某些行为将引发连带效应,将自己置于进退两难的境地。改变过去,蝴蝶效应将不可避免。

Developed by 505 games and released by coconut island game, the adventure puzzle game "June Zhongqu" officially launched on wegame platform today, with a discount of 2.50% for the first week and a current price of 17 yuan. Store address: [portal] video address in the story, a car accident takes Joan's life, and her husband Carl accidentally gets the ability to travel through time and wants to save Joan at all costs. In the interactive puzzle solving adventure, players will open the curtain of the town and get the key to the truth. The story of Carl and Joan is the basis of players' choice. At some times, players have to make a choice between life and death. However, as the plot goes on, players will find that some behaviors will cause a collateral effect, putting themselves in a dilemma. Changing the past, the butterfly effect will be inevitable.