新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为丰富旗下手游类型,EA收购知名手游厂商格融移动


In order to enrich the types of mobile games, EA acquired Gerong mobile, a well-known mobile game manufacturer

2021-02-09 13:58:22来源: 游戏时光

EA 于 2 月 8 日宣布将收购美国知名移动端手机游戏厂商格融移动。EA 斥资 24 亿美元进行了本次收购行动,包括格融本身价值的 21 亿美元以及其持有的 3 亿多现金。这也将是迄今为止第五大电子游戏行业的收购案。涉及金额超过10亿美元的11个电子游戏行业收购案,排名第一的是腾讯收购Supercell一案。格融移动旗下拥有诸如《世界摔角娱乐(WWE)》《美国职业棒球联赛》等体育类移动端游戏,此外还有《枪火兄弟连》《迪士尼巫师竞技场》《荒岛求生》等游戏。EA 本次进行收购行动也是为了将旗下的手机游戏类型进一步扩展到体育、角色扮演、模拟或是休闲类游戏领域。格融移动在体育或休闲游戏上的盈利经验是 EA 发起收购案的原因之一。而作为交易的一部分,格融移动也将获得 EA 在全球分销渠道上的帮助。通过本次收购案,EA

EA announced on February 8 that it will acquire Gerong mobile, a well-known mobile game manufacturer in the United States. EA spent $2.4 billion on the acquisition, including $2.1 billion of Gerong's own value and more than 300 million of its cash holdings. It will also be the fifth largest acquisition in the video game industry so far. Among the 11 acquisitions involving more than US $1 billion in the video game industry, Tencent's acquisition of supercell ranked first. Gerong mobile owns sports mobile games such as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and American Professional Baseball League, as well as games such as gunfire brothers, Disney wizard arena and survival on a desert island. EA's acquisition is also to further expand its mobile games to sports, role-playing, simulation or leisure games. Ge Rong Mobile's profitable experience in sports or leisure games is one of the reasons for EA's acquisition. As part of the transaction, Gerong mobile will also get help from EA in global distribution channels. Through this acquisition, EA

标签: 手游