新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《偶像大师 星耀季节》中文版将于5月27日发售

《偶像大师 星耀季节》中文版将于5月27日发售

The Chinese version of star shining season will be on sale on May 27

2021-02-08 16:41:27来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫宣布,《偶像大师》系列主机最新作《偶像大师 星耀季节》PS4 / Steam 中文版将于 5 月 27 日与日本地区同步发售,同时还公布了特典和中文版宣传影片。视频地址在《偶像大师 星耀季节》中,玩家将在游戏中扮演任职于“765 艺能事务所”的制作人。为组成联合队伍“Project LUMINOUS”,玩家将直接与各事务所偶像进行邀约。游戏中会有《偶像大师》本家的 13 位角色,和来自《偶像大师 灰姑娘女孩》《偶像大师 百万舞台》和《偶像大师 闪耀色彩》的 15 名角色登场。另外,玩家还将与少女「奥空心白」在街上巧遇,因发掘她的偶像天赋进而提出邀约加入,却没想到将因此左右“Project LUMINOUS”的命运。PS4《偶像大师 星耀季节》中文版首批限定版收录以下内容:PS4《偶像大师 星耀季节》中

The Chinese version of PS4 / steam, the latest production of idol master series, will be on sale in Japan on May 27, according to the South dream palace of Wandai. Meanwhile, a special edition and a Chinese version of the promotional film will also be released. Video address in "idol master star shining season", the player will play the role of the producer of "765 art energy office". In order to form a joint team "project luminous", players will invite their idols directly. In the game, there will be 13 characters from "idol master" and 15 characters from "idol master Cinderella girl", "idol master million stage" and "idol master shining colors". In addition, the player will meet the girl "aokongbai" in the street by chance. Because of her idol talent, the player proposes to invite her to join, but he didn't expect that this will affect the fate of "project luminous". The first limited edition of Chinese version of PS4 "idol master star shining season" includes the following contents: in PS4 "idol master star shining season"