新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新职业登场,《归家异途2》春节免费内容更新今日上线


New career on stage, free content update of homecoming 2 launched today

2021-02-09 15:09:09来源: 游戏时光

TPP Studio 开发的 Roguelike 生存 RPG 游戏《归家异途2》今日免费推出一个的全新的内容更新,其中包含全新的可选职业、技能机制、难度、成就以及一系列的改进优化。本次更新新增了三个职业,分别是巨盾兵、狂战士和审判官。在游戏难度上,此次更新还将带来地狱难度与相对应的通关成就——地狱之行。另外还追加了全新的技能机制:屏障:会保护身后队友免受敌人子弹的骚扰,极大提高团队生存率。不死:技能会使团队生命值无法降低至 1 点以下,锁血体验可以在关键时刻助你力挽狂澜、逆转战局。窃取:会在战斗中帮你获取敌方损失的属性,大大提升对局的胜率。除了内容更新之外,本次新版本也将对游戏进行多方位的优化,包括但不限于:职业平衡性调整、优化护盾显示、提升剧情 boss 属性、优化载具战体验等。《归家异途2》作为一款 Ro

Roguelike survival RPG game "homecoming 2" developed by TPP studio today introduces a new content update free of charge, including new optional occupation, skill mechanism, difficulty, achievement and a series of improvement and optimization. Three new classes have been added in this update: giant shield soldier, crazy soldier and judge. In terms of the difficulty of the game, this update will also bring about the difficulty of hell and the corresponding achievement of customs clearance - journey to hell. In addition, a new skill mechanism has been added: barrier: it will protect the teammates behind from the enemy bullets, greatly improving the survival rate of the team. Undead: the skill will make the team's health value can't be reduced to less than 1 point. The experience of locking blood can help you turn the tide and reverse the war situation at the critical moment. Steal: will help you gain the enemy's loss attribute in the battle, greatly improving the winning rate of the match. In addition to the content update, this new version will also optimize the game in many aspects, including but not limited to: career balance adjustment, optimization of shield display, improvement of plot boss attribute, optimization of vehicle combat experience, etc. Homecoming 2 as a ro