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Pacific Rim: black zone announcement

2021-02-06 16:47:35来源: 游戏时光

Netflix 发布了原创动漫系列《环太平洋:黑色禁区》的全新预告片和预告图。 本作延续了《环太平洋》真人系列电影的世界观,讲述了澳洲沿海发生的故事。预告片中,名叫泰勒和海莉的一对兄妹,由于澳洲遭遇怪兽袭击而流离失所,被迫踏上寻找父母的旅途。二人偶然间遇到并学会操控“机甲猎人”,于是决定面对怪兽,奋力一战。该动画由日本工作室 POLYGON PICTURES 操刀,他们曾经参与过《攻壳机动队 无罪》和《亚人》等动画的制作,该作预计于 2021 年 3 月 4 日独家登陆 Netflix。来源:Fami通

&Netflix has released a new trailer and trailer for the original anime series Pacific Rim: black zone. This work continues the world outlook of the "Pacific Rim" live action series, and tells the story of what happened along the coast of Australia. In the trailer, a brother and sister named Taylor and Haley are displaced by a monster attack in Australia and forced to embark on a journey to find their parents. They met and learned to control the "mecha Hunter" by chance, so they decided to face the monster and fight hard. The animation is operated by Japanese studio polygon pictures, who have participated in the production of "the shell attack mobile team is innocent" and "Asian people". The animation is expected to be exclusively launched on Netflix on March 4, 2021. Source: fami Tong