新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国行Switch版《舞力全开》「春节」活动现已开启


"Spring Festival" activity of "dance power" of switch version of Bank of China has been launched

2021-02-05 11:35:05来源: 游戏时光

育碧为国行版 Switch 专门打造的合家欢体感舞蹈游戏《舞力全开》国行版已于 2020 年 12 月发售,而春节将至,官方宣布本作发售后的首个活动也即将到来,即日起至除夕(2 月 5 日—11 日)全新的中文歌单、限免歌曲、社区活动、限时特惠等着玩家体验。 本次春节活动将免费追加《最炫民族风》《小鸡小鸡》《倍儿爽》三首中文歌曲,所有购买《舞力全开》国行版的玩家均可限时免费畅玩,此外还有《腿之歌》《卡拉永远OK》等 5 首付费中文歌曲,所有订阅“舞力无限”服务的玩家均可免费游玩。 活动免费歌曲: 凤凰传奇《最炫民族风》——免费畅玩时间:2 月 5 日中午 12:00—2 月 7 日中午 12:00王蓉《小鸡小鸡》——免费畅玩时间:2 月 7日中午 12:00

Ubisoft's "dance power is all open", a dance game specially created by Ubisoft for switch of National Bank of China, has been put on sale in December 2020. With the Spring Festival approaching, the official announced that the first after-sale activity of the game is coming. From now on to new year's Eve (February 5-11), new Chinese song lists, limited free songs, community activities and limited time special offers are waiting for players to experience. &Three Chinese songs, the most dazzling national style, chicken, and beiershuang, will be added to this spring festival activity for free. All players who purchase the national version of dance power are free to play for a limited time. In addition, there are five paid Chinese songs, such as leg song and karaoke forever OK. All players who subscribe to the "dance power unlimited" service are free to play. &Free song of the activity: & nbsp; legend of the Phoenix "the most dazzling national style" -- free time: 12:00 noon on February 5-12:00 noon on February 7 Wang Rong's "chicken" -- free time: 12:00 noon on February 7

标签: Switch