新关注 > 信息聚合 > 导演更换,坎妹将继续出演《古墓丽影》电影续集


Director change, Kan Mei will continue to play in the sequel of Tomb Raider

2021-01-28 17:48:21来源: 游戏时光

据 Deadline 独家报导,米高梅影业已经更换《古墓丽影》电影续集的编剧与导演。曾执导过剧集《恶魔之地》的导演米沙·格林将身兼两个职位,不出差错的话,这会是她的电影导演处女作。现导演与编剧 米沙·格林同时艾丽西亚·维坎德确认将继续扮演劳拉。格拉汉姆·金和伊丽莎白· 坎蒂隆将联合担任影片的制作人。 《古墓丽影》电影续集原计划于 2021 年 3 月 19 日上映,后因去年疫情延期。 新任导演 米沙·格林 曾先后担任热播电视剧《地下党》系列编剧,惊悚恐怖克苏鲁元素电视剧《恶魔之地》导演、编剧与制片人。克苏鲁元素电视剧《恶魔之地》 《古墓丽影:源起之战》于 2

According to the exclusive report of deadline, MGM pictures has replaced the screenwriter and director of the sequel to Tomb Raider. Misha green, who has directed the series devil's land, will hold two positions. If there is no mistake, it will be her first film director. Current director and screenwriter & amp; nbsp; Misha green, meanwhile Alicia vicander confirmed that she will continue to play Laura. Graham king and Elizabeth Cantillon will co produce the film. &The movie sequel of Tomb Raider was originally scheduled to be released on March 19, 2021, but was delayed due to the epidemic last year. &Misha green, the new director, has been a screenwriter of the popular TV series "underground party" and a director, screenwriter and producer of the horror element TV series "devil's land". Kessulu element TV series "devil's land" & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Tomb Raider: the war of origin" was launched in February

标签: 电影