新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《赛博朋克2077》新bug令主线无法推进,这里有个暂时解决方案


The new bug of cyberpunk 2077 makes the main line unable to advance. Here is a temporary solution

2021-01-25 14:09:22来源: 游戏时光

《赛博朋克2077》版本更新 1.1 已于前几日推出, 但据 Reddit 用户反映,游戏中又出现了新的 bug ,具体症状是任务“荒街老友”中竹村打来电话时什么也不说,任务无法进行下去,由于该任务与主线相关,这将会导致主线故事无法推进。 不过目前 Reddit 上有一个解决办法,具体步骤为:在竹村来电话前先和朱迪保持电话联络,竹村来电后结束与朱迪的对话,此时竹村的全息影像也会消失,接着去做其他支线任务,再等 24 小时(游戏时间),之后竹村会再打来电话,这时 BUG 就不会触发。 根据 CDPR 去年 12 月的声明,下一次大型补丁更新会在 2 月份发布,希望那时该 BUG 能被

       Cyberpunk 2077 version update 1.1 has been launched a few days ago, but according to reddit users, there are new bugs in the game. The specific symptom is that when the task "old friends on the barren Street" zhongzhucun calls, he doesn't say anything, and the task can't go on. Because the task is related to the main line, it will lead to the failure of the main line story. &However, there is a solution on reddit. The specific steps are as follows: keep in touch with Judy before Zhucun calls. Zhucun calls and ends the conversation with Judy. At this time, Zhucun's hologram will disappear. Then go to do other branch line tasks and wait for another 24 hours (game time). After that, Zhucun will call again. At this time, there is a bug It won't trigger. &According to cdpr's statement in December last year, the next major patch will be released in February, and we hope that the bug will be released by then