新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多图注意,大批PS5实机开箱图到来


Pay attention to many pictures, a large number of ps5 real machine open box drawings are coming

2020-10-27 22:40:36来源: 游戏时光

大批外媒今日解禁了 PS5 实机上手的图片和视频,更近距离感受次世代 PlayStation 的外观造型和实机印象。让我们一睹为快吧。FamitsuThe VergeGameSpotMKBHD

&Today, a large number of foreign media have lifted the ban on pictures and videos on ps5 real computers, so as to get a closer look at the appearance and impression of the next generation of PlayStation. Let's have a look. FamitsuThe VergeGameSpotMKBHD

标签: PS