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《神狱塔:断罪玛丽 Finale》剧情宣传视频公布

"Prison tower: Mary finale" plot publicity video released

2020-11-02 12:46:07来源: 游戏时光

  Compile Heart(地雷社)旗下 3D 迷宫 RPG 新作《神狱塔 断罪玛丽 Finale》即将于 11 月 5 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台,官方公布了本作售前预告视频,介绍了本作的剧情内容。 视频地址  《神狱塔:断罪玛丽》包含初代和二代两部作品,讲述少年深陷“活着的”牢狱之塔中,与少女们相遇并带领她们出逃的故事。本次的“Finale”在收录两作剧情的同时,还加入了官方小说中描绘的“终焉”剧情内容,是一款加入新剧情的最终合集版。

Mary finale, a new 3D maze RPG work of compile heart, will be launched on PS4 / switch platform on November 5. The pre-sale video of this work is officially released, which introduces the plot of this work. The video address "prison tower: Mary guilty" contains two works of the first generation and the second generation. It tells the story of teenagers trapped in the "living" prison tower, meeting girls and leading them to escape. "Finale" includes the plots of the two novels as well as the plot content of "Zhongyan" described in the official novel, which is a final Collection Edition with new plots.

标签: 视频