新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国游戏周销量:《FIFA 21》成2020年首周销量最高实体游戏

英国游戏周销量:《FIFA 21》成2020年首周销量最高实体游戏

UK game week sales: FIFA 21 will be the highest selling physical game in the first week of 2020

2020-10-13 10:34:37来源: 游戏时光

  最新一期的英国游戏周销量公布了,EA 旗下一年一度的足球系列新作《FIFA 21》于 10 月 9 日发售, 尽管英国今年的实体游戏营业额有着显著起色,但《FIFA 21》相比《FIFA 20》实体销量下跌了 42%。  究其实体销量下滑的原因,《FIFA 21》在儿童杂志上刊登开箱广告等举措曾引起不小争议,而且在主机换代当口,不少玩家会选择坚持一个月等到次世代版本发售。然而实体销量数据并不是全部,《FIFA 21》的线上模式 Ultimate Team 似乎有不错的营收成绩。  虽然成绩不如前作,《FIFA 21》仍成功地成为了 2020 年英国首周实体游戏销量最高的游戏,超越了此前的《最后生还者 第二部》和《集合啦!动物森友会》。本作卖得最多的是 PS4 版,占 62%,其次 Xbox One 和 Sw

The latest UK game week sales announced that EA's annual new football series "FIFA 21" went on sale on October 9. Although the UK's physical game turnover has improved significantly this year, the physical sales of "FIFA 21" has dropped 42% compared with "FIFA 20". When it comes to the reasons for the decline in physical sales, "FIFA 21" published an open box advertisement in children's magazine and other initiatives have caused a lot of controversy. Moreover, at the time of host replacement, many players will choose to hold on for a month until the next generation version is available. However, the entity sales data is not all, "FIFA 21" online model ultimate team seems to have good revenue results. Although the performance is not as good as the previous work, FIFA 21 has successfully become the highest sales volume of physical games in the UK in the first week of 2020, surpassing the previous "last survivor II" and "set up! Animal crossing. PS4 is the most popular version, accounting for 62%, followed by Xbox one and SW

标签: 游戏